Basswood plantation shutters
fauxwood shutters
Composite shutters
Wood blinds
Fauxwood or durawood blinds
Mini blinds
Vertical blinds
Cellular shades
Woven shades or bamboos
Roman shades
Roller shades
Sheerview shades

Before You Start

Make sure you measure every window-even if they look similar, slight variations in each may require different sizes! A steel tape measure is recommended for accurate measurements. Note:
Make accurate measurements—the shutters and the hanging strips can be trimmed no more than 1/2" top and bottom.

Check for square.
Check for square.

Check for Square

An inside installation requires a square window opening. To determine if your window opening is square, measure from each corner diagonally across to the opposite corner. If the difference between the two measurements is greater than 1/2", you must use an outside installation method with these shutters instead.

Shutter clearance.
Minimum clearance should be 1 1/2" from the back of the shutter.

Check for Clearance

An inside installation also requires a minimum clearance depth of 1 1/2" from the back of the shutter to the window or window hardware (trim, lock, handle etc.) for proper shutter operation.

Measure from the front of the window opening to the obstacle that projects out from the window the farthest-trim, lock, handle etc. to check if you have enough clearance for an inside mount.

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Decide on Your Mounting Style
Outside Mount.
Outside Mount
Mounting shutters directly on the wall around the window. No trimming is required; can be used for windows "out of square."
Inside Mount.
Inside Mount
Placing shutters entirely within the window opening. Window opening must be "square" (angles very close to 90°).

Outside Mount
An outside mount is mounting shutters directly on the wall around the window.

No trimming is required. The hanging strips are mounted directly on the wall (or onto wood window moulding/trim if you prefer) and the shutter position can be adjusted so that shutters align in the middle correctly.





Inside Mount
An inside mount is placing shutters entirely within the window opening.

Your window opening must be square and have a clearance depth of at least 1 1/2" from the back of the shutter to the window or window hardware (trim, lock, handle etc.); your window jambs must be at least 2 3/4" (not including hardware) deep for the shutter to recess correctly.

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How To Measure the Window
*Always Use Inside Measurements

Outside Mount, With or Without Window Frame or Moulding

Measuring for inside mount.

  • Measure the window

    • WIDTH:
      Measure the inside width in 3 separate places-across the top, center and bottom of window; do not include any moulding that may be on your window. Use the largest measurement. (Remember that you must use hanging strips with this mounting style).

      If you want the shutter to extend beyond the top of the window or moulding, add that amount.
    • HEIGHT:
      Measure the inside height in 3 separate places-vertically down the left, center and right of opening. Don't include any moulding or the sill. Use the largest measurement. Note: NEVER add to the inside width measurement.

  • Hanging strips will be added by the factory for outside mounts. Do not include hanging strips in your width measurements.


Inside Mount, With or Without Window Frame or Moulding

Outside measurements.
Measure 3 times across the top and the bottom.
  • Measure the window

    • WIDTH:
      Measure the inside width of the window in 3 separate places- across the top, center and bottom between casings; use the smallest measurement.

    • HEIGHT:
      Measure the inside height in 3 separate places-vertically down the left, center and right of the opening. Use the smallest measurement. (The factory will deduct 1/8" top, bottom, left and right for clearance on all inside mounts.)

Hanging Strips.
Decide if you want to use hanging strips, and which size strip you need.
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Panel Configurations
Panel Styles.
Panel Styles
Zero, One, Two Center
Rails-installed by the
factory depending on the length of the panel.
  • Hanging strip can be installed on the right or left side.

  • 2 panels maximum can be hinged together.

  • Can have a 3-panel configuration (for example, 1-L plus 2-R).


Panel Configurations.
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Panel Configuration Chart for Colonial and/or Plantation Shutters

Use this chart to determine the number of panels you need for your window size. It will show the style (the number of Center Divider Rails) and number of panels you need. The way you configure the panels depends on the look you want for the window-for instance, three panels instead of four may give you a wider plantation look.

6" to 12" 12-1/8" to 18" 18-1/8" to 24" 24-1/8" to 36" 36-1/8" to 72"
12" to 36" 0 CD
0 CD
1P or 2P
0 CD
0 CD
2P or 4P
0 CD
36-1/8" to 66" 1 CD
1 CD
1P or 2P
1 CD
1 CD
2P or 4P
1 CD
66-1/8" to 72" 2 CD
2 CD
1P or 2P
2 CD
2 CD
2P or 4P
2 CD
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